Help me not feel alone, so I don’t isolate myself. I belong here. Connecting universal connections with others, compliment people more genuinely. Empathy and bond quicker. Instead of getting nervous/anxious around people in authority, I think of their story, to find more genuine expressions of respect and what you offer. Self Awareness
Soothing, self care step. A safe place for me to express myself without feeling too exposed. By letting myself talk it out, I can decide what I actually feel about it. I can breathe a little more, It’s not as bad. When you don’t have to defend if you're not sure if it’s even true to you. It allowed space for gray areas. I couldn’t just be, just love without being so in my head. Creating boundaries.
Opened the pandora’s box. When there was only fear, I lost touch with the good. I can keep make choices, change my mind.This character would be proud of me, escape into what they would do and use them to self validate. Call on a certain character to embody them. Self trust, hear your gut in the midst of daily challenges. What would Jessie do? -> What would my character do? Listening to herself. Becomes integrated into life. And learn how to use other characters that aren’t my strengths, provide wisdom without having it replace my own characters or innate worth. Becoming not-codependent. Take in movies more richly, activated my discernment in movies - to get deeper powerful messaging from it.